What happens if I fail to maintain a registered agent?

A registered agent is a state requirement.

If you fail to designate a registered agent for every state that your corporation or LLC does business in, your company will likely fall out of good standing, and you could face some hefty penalties. In some cases, professional licenses could be revoked, and there is nearly always a monetary fine.

It is best, then, to find a registered agent for your business early on, and ensure that at no point your business will be without one. This is why using our nationwide registered agent service is so beneficial, so that you never have to worry about finding a new agent or having a lapse in your service. We can accept service of process on behalf of your business protecting your privacy and ensuring you meet state mandated requirements.

Get a registered agent for your business today.

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Learn more about registered agent services.

Learning Center Tools - Get information about registered agent requirements and services. Learn the benefits of using registered-agent.com. Learn more.

Find an Agent - We can help you get set up with a registered agent quickly with our online service. Get Started.

Contact Us- Drop us a line. Our experts are available to answer your questions and and set you up with a registered agent. Contact Us.

What happens if I don't have a registered agent?